Third Culture Africa Leadership Traits For Success a woman holding laptop in her right and writing on a white board with her left hand using green marker and a man paying attention to her writing.

Leadership Traits For Success

Acquiring hard skills that come with studying or working in a particular filed is generally quite straightforward. Moreover, it can be far more difficult to obtain the leadership traits necessary to advance in your career or grow your business. If you want to ensure the success of your organisation, it is essential that you use personal development techniques [NF1] to enhance these characteristics.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the leadership skills that are in demand. As well as those that are necessary for driving business gains, and what you can do to development.

What leadership traits are in demand?

According to a survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management, 37% of respondents indicated that problem-solving skills were the soft skills that were missing most often in candidates. The ability to deal with complexity and ambiguity. Also, communication skills were identified as shortage skills by 32% and 31% of respondents, respectively. According to the body, this problem is only set to worsen as automation reduces the number of technical jobs on the market. In addition, high-skilled positions increase in number. 

According to the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, time management skills are in demand. Including the ability to delegate and decision-making. Alongside the ability to  problem-solve, think critically and communicate effectively.

Traits of effective leadership

Various studies over the past few decades have indicated that overall drive and motivation are key traits of good leaders. Along with integrity and honesty. Those characteristics can assimilated to five key leadership traits that can lead to business success.

  • Self-management skills

An effective leader acts as a role model for their subordinates. To gain the respect that’s necessary to fulfil this role, a leader should display self-control, resilience and self-awareness. This requires a deep understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses. As well as the emotional intelligence to manage their reactions in almost any situation.

  • Team-building skills

Leaders must be able to bring the best out in their subordinates. In addition, they organise team members in a way that drives success. Working with individuals and the team as a whole. Importantly, a leader will need to develop both hard and soft skills. This is to ensure that the team achieves its goals and maintains a high level of morale.

  • Effective conflict management skills

Conflict management skills go hand-in-hand with team-building skills. When working with a variety of individuals (and personalities), misunderstandings and friction are bound to happen. An effective leader will be able to mediate. As it helps to resolve such conflicts to find a suitable solution for everyone involved.

  • Communication skills

The need for effective communication cannot be stressed enough. Successful leaders will ensure constant two-way communication. Indeed it ensures their subordinates feel heard and are able to contribute to solving problems. This goes towards guaranteeing that everyone in the workplace is satisfied with the decisions that are made. Equally important, they contributes to overall organisational success.

  • Learning agility

With the rapid pace at which businesses and technology is evolving, successful leaders need to be agile learners. They should be able to adapt to the knowledge and experience they have acquired in order to innovate. They should be able to solve problems and develop sustainable business models.


There are a variety of traits that a leader should possess to be successful. As successful organisations are built by people, many of these leadership skills revolve around people management and relationship-building. Top traits include self-management, communication, team-building and conflict management, as well as learning agility.

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