Sola Adeboye of Mahogany Models

The Making of Mahogany: How Sola Oyebade Created One of Africa’s Top Modeling Agencies

If you do what you love, money will come thousand percent. If you chase money as your primary thing, it is always very difficult. Never comes when I do that, it never comes.

Sola Oyebade

Our special guest is Sola Oyebade.

Sola Oyebade, popularly known as Mr. Mahogany, has left an indelible mark on the fashion and events industry with his multi-award-winning ventures. As the founder of one of the largest model agencies in Africa, Sola’s journey from a male model to an influential entrepreneur is a compelling narrative of resilience and innovation. His pioneering efforts in creating platforms for people of color within the fashion and modeling scene have significantly contributed to the industry’s diversity and inclusivity. With a wealth of experience spanning from the UK to Nigeria, Sola’s insights and accomplishments are sure to inspire aspiring entrepreneurs in the fashion and events sector. Learn more and follow the point by point of our episode here.

This is Sola Oyebade’s Story

Sola Oyebade’s journey into the fashion and events industry began with an unexpected twist during his time at Maryland Comprehensive Secondary School in Nigeria. As a student at a mixed school, Sola found himself actively involved in literary and debating societies. These gatherings, often a guise for socializing and parties, unexpectedly became the foundation for his foray into event management and fashion coordination. From choreographing fashion shows to organizing various events, Sola’s early experiences laid the groundwork for his future in the industry. His unique journey from school events to founding Mahogany Models showcases a compelling blend of passion, resilience, and the determination to carve his own path in an industry that was yet to fully embrace diversity.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Explore the insightful journey of Sola Oyebade in fashion.
  • Discover the impact of social media on the fashion industry.
  • Learn about the lack of diversity in UK wedding and modeling industries.
  • Understand the success and giving back in entrepreneurship.
  • Gain valuable insights from the Third Culture Africans podcast.
The Power of Social Media and Timing

The digital age has ushered in a new era of marketing—especially for the fashion industry. Social media provides an unparalleled platform for advertising, connecting with a vast audience, building brand identity, and driving engagement. Timely execution plays a crucial role in leveraging these mediums for maximum exposure. Understanding the trends, optimizing for peak user activity, and keeping up with evolving algorithm changes amplify your chances of success.Sola Oyebade brings attention to the advent of the internet and social media and the significant shift it has brought to the fashion industry. He highlights the contrast between old advertising practices and the current strategies that reach thousands instantly through platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Sola acknowledges that the real-time reach and cost-effectiveness of digital platforms give today’s entrepreneurs an advantage that wasn’t available during his early days in the fashion industry.

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Early Journey into Modeling

In the world of fashion and modeling, starting out can be both exciting and daunting. How you navigate this journey can significantly influence your career trajectory. It’s important to remember that every top model or successful entrepreneur in the fashion industry once started somewhere. Many of the industry’s leading names found their way into modeling through unconventional paths, tapping into their resilience and creativity to overcome cultural biases and financial challenges. This resilience often plays a major role in charting the course for future successes and open doors to new opportunities.In the case of Sola Oyebade, his journey into modeling began in secondary school, a time when he discovered his interest in fashion. Despite societal biases, Sola recognized an opportunity in modeling when he used it as a financial support system for his university education in Nigeria. The journey wasn’t easy. There were challenges and biases, but his unusual start laid the foundation for his trailblazing career, ultimately leading to his establishment of Mahogany Models.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Explore fashionsfinestafrica for opportunities to learn about the fashion industry, attend workshops, and participate in the annual epic show. The website also provides contact information.
  • For those in the UK, check out fashionsfinestuk.com to stay updated on the London Fashion Week show held every February and September.
  • Interested in modeling? Visit mahoganymodelmanagement.com to learn more about mahogany models and the opportunities available. Contact details are provided on the website.
  • Follow the Instagram handles of the respective companies for the latest updates and insights: @mahoganyinternational & @ffaevents.

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