Third Culture Africa 3 ways to support personal development and employees two opened laptop placed on a brown table one close to two black pens with pairs of hands holding pencil and pen close to a white sheet of paper with writings on it.

3 Ways To Support Personal Development and Employees

Having the right hard skills for the job is essential. It’s equally as important that individuals on your team have the emotional intelligence that’s needed to get the job done. This is where personal development comes in. It’s an often talked about but chronically misunderstood factor of success. Let’s take a look at how personal development and employees work together to drive organisational growth.

What is personal development?

Personal development is a branch of psychology that is concerned with developing a person’s capabilities and potential. This development takes place over the course of a person’s entire life. It can also be focused on addressing particular problems or meeting specific goals.

In an organisational sense, personal development focuses on developing individuals to fill roles various roles, including managerial and mentorship positions. It usually consists of activities that are designed to build human capital. And it increases their employability in order to enhance their quality of life. Furthermore, it leads them to realise their dreams and aspirations.

When speaking about personal development in these contexts, it usually refers to the tools, techniques, programmes and assessment systems that are used to support development.

The main goal of personal development is for individuals to investigate their strengths and weaknesses. To look at the areas of development. As such they are able to manage themselves and their situation effectively regardless of what challenges they may face.

The benefits of personal development

In addition, personal development help individuals better cope with whatever challenges that life might throw at them. Personal development can help to create a sense of self-awareness in those who practice it. By having a better understanding of who they are, a person will be able to define goals. And more easily, he can find the motivation to work towards those goals.

This greater sense of self-awareness will likely have the knock-on effect of increasing the ease with which an individual can make decisions. These clearly defined goals. Therefore, it will reduce workload and stress, leading to an improved quality of life.

Additional benefits of the increased self-awareness and streamlined decision-making that come with personal development are improved focus and effectiveness. Having an understanding of our strengths and weaknesses can help everyone to operate more effectively. Moreover, it helps identifying which path of action will lead to the best result. As you are working with the resources you have at your disposal. Not only will this decrease distractions and help you to derive more benefit from activities, but it will also help you stay motivated.

Why is personal development necessary for employees?

Many people tend to become discouraged and distracted in the face of adversity; especially in a business environment. Fast-approaching deadlines, a stalemate in negotiations or working with team mates who have ‘checked out’  are all good examples of situations that can cause one to lose motivation. But those who have focused on personal development will be able to stay inspired and work towards their goals.

Rather than becoming overwhelmed, these individuals will be able to break seemingly insurmountable tasks down into smaller challenges. As they are easier to manage. This will allow them to work in a measured and meaningful way. Doing so, in order to reach whichever outcome they set out to achieve.

Related to this ability to maintain a sense of motivation is the fact that personal development can help to build resilience. This is incredibly helpful when setbacks occur. Well-developed individuals are able to manage their emotions. As well as, the way in which they react to such obstructions. They, quickly finding a way to adapt and move forward in pursuit of their goals.

How to support personal development and employees

With all of the benefits that a better understanding of the self (and therefore improved goal and stress management) can make, it’s clear that personal development is essential for any business. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways in which organisations can support personal development for their employees.

1. Encourage employees to invest in themselves

Personal development is just that – personal – and it will look different to every individual within an organisation. What’s important here is that employees understand how to invest in themselves. For some, that may mean taking classes to develop a skill or incorporating wellness practices into their daily routine; others might want to improve relationships with the people around them or gain more self-confidence.

Rather than prescribing how employees should develop, the business should support opportunities for development. For example, offering to cover the cost of certain courses or setting up support groups.

2. Create an open and safe environment

A workplace where an employee fears rejection or backlash if they share their thoughts and ideas is not conducive to fostering personal growth. In this case, it’s up to the company’s leaders to create an environment where everyone is heard and appreciated. In fact, this is effective communication is essential, as a recent survey from talent management company Reflektive indicated that nearly half of all respondents felt they needed more consistent communication with leadership, and 37% said the same about their colleagues.

A great way to do this is to encourage feedback, whether negative or positive (in fact, studies have shown that employees actually prefer receiving negative feedback), so that honest conversations can be had. Tools like online surveys or anonymous suggestion boxes can go a long way in this regard.

3. Hire a coach

Sometimes it pays to bring an expert on board. Bringing an external party into your organisation can ensure that you get an objective opinion on points for improvements that you and other business leaders might be blind to. For staff, a coach can assist them with identifying ‘stucks’ or areas where they lack forward momentum in either their personal or professional lives. The coach can then guide the individual through the process of setting attainable milestones. This will help them to make progress towards their goals.

Not only can a coach help your organisation and employees set realistic and attainable goals, but they can also assist you with creating a strategic plan to achieve those objectives.


Employees’ personal development is essential in ensuring long-term organisational success. In order to help individuals better cope with the stresses and strains. These come from working in a fast-paced growth-oriented environment. Organisations can encourage employees to invest in themselves. To create an atmosphere of openness and hire a coach to aid personal and business development.

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