Third Culture Africa How to start a business podcast a beige microphone with black support is place on a table close to an opened laptop

How to Start a Business Podcast

A business podcast is a fun way to promote yourself and your business. The fact that the platform has seen explosive growth over the past year. However, it still remains one of the most cost-effective methods of marketing. We take a look at the benefits of starting a business podcast. Furthermore, what are the steps you need to take to get there.

Benefits of starting a business podcast

Much like blogs, press releases and other valuable media tools, podcasts allow you to take directly to your customers. The format allows you to reach a broad audience of loyal, educated and affluent listeners. As well as to build a relationship with of trust these individuals. Most importantly, though, a successful business podcast will garner exposure for you and your business. Moreover, it will help to establish you as an expert in your field. What’s more, inviting other industry leaders onto your show can help you to network and establish lasting business connections.

Steps to starting a successful business podcast

1. Nail down your niche


The most important decision you need to make when embarking on a podcast is what you’re going to focus on. As the saying goes, you can’t be everything to everyone. To ensure that you build an audience, you need to pick a topic that is broad and multifaceted enough that you can explore many different aspects of it. At the same time, it needs to be narrow enough that you can attract listeners who are interested in that particular field. The trick is to choose a niche that is underserved by current podcasts, but in which you have sufficient expertise to have in-depth discussions about the topic.

2. Pick a format

There are a few popular for business podcasts: solo shows, multi-host shows and interview shows. Solo shows have a single host who speaks directly to the podcast audience, while multi-host shows are those where two or more hosts both speak to the audience and one another. Both solo and multi-host shows can operate in the interview format, with hosts inviting guests onto the podcast to share their expertise about a certain subject.

When it comes to business podcasts, many of the most highly rated shows either use the multi-host or interview format. This is because the back-and-forth style that these setups allow for can be far more engaging than simply listening to a solo host. That being said, the number of hosts is far less important than how the information is delivered. Be sure to keep your podcast quite conversational and natural – there are few things more boring than listening to a scripted show.

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